Gestures of Kindness
If you have ever done anything for someone with a chronic or terminal
illness, here’s what you should know.
When you brought their family dinner, you reminded their child that,
no matter what trials come, there are always going to be people who are lights in
our lives. There will always be those who reach into the depths and lift you up
from where you were.
When you weeded her garden, you salvaged something that was deteriorating
because of the illness. You brought hope where there was sadness, loss, and
When you brought flowers, you brought beauty where there was, seemingly,
none left. You brought joy to a careworn heart.
When you did something nice for her children, you assured her that,
if life is cut short, people will continue to love her beloved children even
after she is gone. You assured the children of the same.
When you helped with the yard work, you let the spouse know that it is
okay to take a rest when he needs it. Someone will be there to pick up the
When you sent a special gift, you reminded her that she still has
friends who love her…even though the illness has made it more and more
difficult to maintain those relationships.
When you prayed for their family, you opened the way for angels to
come and surround them with warmth and love from heaven.
When you left a voicemail or direct message offering love and
support, and asking nothing in return, you reminded her that, although every
day can sometimes feel like a failure, she is enough.
When you pieced together scraps of fabric for a special quilt, you
reminded the family that, dark or light, great or small, many pieces do come
together in one amazing work of art.