
Last week I watched Dr. Phil reach into a trash bag that came from a hoarded house.  I don't recall what it was that he pulled out that made him exclaim, "Oh my God!"  But his comment prompted me to write this blog post.                                                                      
I was raised in suburban NY by a devout Catholic mother.  My husband was raised in the south by devout Baptist parents.  We have been together for about ten years, and we know well each other's pet peeves, and serious matters.                                                
He is very offended by the use of "Oh my God."  I, on the other hand, grew up saying it
and hearing it, and thinking little of it.  I have recently been listening closely to see who says it and when.  I have noticed that there are many devout people who take this phrase more lightly than does my husband.                                                                     
My seven year old son recently said it to his uncle (my husband's brother), and caused him some concern.                                                                  
I take the Ten Commandments seriously, but am really not sure where I fall on this.  It seems that it would make sense to err on the side of respect and caution, and just refrain if I can.  But I hesitate to hold others to the same standard because I am unable to reach a hard conclusion on the subject.  
What do you think?                                           
Disrespectful to say "Oh my God."?                            

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