Matches. Make. Fire.

Since the news is so upsetting, I don't watch a lot of it lately. So I have to admit that I do not know the details on the recent accusations against Bill Cosby. But I did see a clip of that interview with one of the "victims." The interviewing journalist is being blasted by the public and the media for his "insensitivity" to the woman who says that in 1969 she was forced to perform oral activities on Cosby. The journalist suggested to her that there are ways to avoid such a situation and mentioned the word teeth. (I like members of the media who are not bullied into avoiding the obvious.) The woman's reply was (maybe paraphrasing here) that she was stoned. At that point of the report, viewers are shown a clip of a rape victim advocate. She boldly states that women under the influence of drugs or alcohol cannot legally give consent. My questions would be: 1) If she was stoned, how reliable is her a...