
Showing posts from May, 2014

OMG Follow Up. I found this sad.

A few days ago, I wrote a post about using the phrase "Oh my God."  I noticed that there are many people who say it, and that there are many people who are offended by it.  I received responses on both sides of the issue.  One was particularly sad to me, and I wanted to share it because it comes from one of the kindest and most generous people I know, my brother's wife, Kim.  Here is what she said:                    Here's what I think since you asked. I also grew up using that phrase never giving it much thought. I do know however, that I never intended to offend God or any one else. I was judged for using the phrase when I was a young "tween". Parents of  anoth er child didn't "like me" because they heard me say "oh my god". "Devout Christians" I suppose. That phrase didn't define me and it was wrong of them to judge me or deem me unworthy of friendship with their child. The fact is that they literally di...


Last week I watched Dr. Phil reach into a trash bag that came from a hoarded house.  I don't recall what it was that he pulled out that made him exclaim, "Oh my God!"  But his comment prompted me to write this blog post.                                                                       I was raised in suburban NY by a devout Catholic mother.  My husband was raised in the south by devout Baptist parents.  We have been together for about ten years, and we know well each other's pet peeves, and serious matters.                                                 He is very offended by the use of "Oh my God."  I, on the other hand, grew up saying it and hearing it, and th...

Warning! Realistic Post About Money!

   I DVR the Dr. Phil Show every day.  I have a great respect for the guy and I agree with almost everything he says.  But I have to challenge him on one point: You don’t fix money problems with money.      Every day I assist people who are in the market for a new mower.  Some of them make a quick decision and others labor over which to get.  Will the Honda engine outlast the Briggs and Stratton?  Is the warranty on that one better than the one on this one?  And it all comes down to money.  You can smell the fear on some of them.  It’s the fear that they might pick the wrong one, the one that will break down and leave them in a lurch.  Who wants to be stuck buying another mower in a few years?  Who can afford it?    And today I helped a guy for whom it was no issue.  He made the choice with nonchalance.  There were no veins popping out of his head when he basically said eenie meenie miny ...