Take THAT Anxiety!!!
Something that not many people know about me is that I have dealt with anxiety and panic. I have been told that it is unusual for panic to surface so late in life, but I experienced my first panic issue in my early forties. I knew immediately what it was, and I sought the help of a doctor. I also devoured a number of books and listened to relaxation tapes. I practiced breathing exercises. I took the initiative and brought the situation under my control. I took pride in the fact that the doc prescribed Xanax, and I only ever took it two or three times--and that was half a pill. I hated the feeling it gave me, kind of like being a zombie. There is a misnomer about such attacks. Perhaps panic is not the best description of what actually occurs. I saw a reporter on the TV a few nights ago. They showed a clip of him in the midst of a panic attack while reporting live. He looked down and appeared confused. He stumbled over...