Today's Painful Choice
I always knew when it was a Boy Scout day because of the smells in the house: a certain aroma of smoke soaked into handbooks, canteens, and clothing that had sat around campfires many times. Back in 1970 when I was only 3 or 4 years old, my father was a den leader and my mother was a den mother. Wanting to be a part, I remember insisting that I was a den sister. My older brother Michael was heavily involved in scouts. And every so often, my home was host to a group of young boys in that familiar khaki green. We lived in Wayne, NJ. And I still remember that we were a part of the Altaha Council. Last week BSA announced that they might soon be lifting the ban on gays. Now, without starting WWIII, I would like the freedom to say that the news saddened me. The BSA has always been a Christian organization. Indeed, the cub scout promise--recited decades ago by my brother, recited years ago by my teen son, and recited now by my six ye...